RIFT Macro Commands

Slash Command   Description  
suppressmacrofailuresOnly usable within a macro, prevents macro failure notices.
saveequip #ie: /saveequip 1. Saves the currently equipped set of equipment to the specified index number.
loadequip #ie: /loadequip 1. Loads the saved set of equipment from the specified index.
cast [@modifier] <ability name> [target]casts the specified ability. You can specify a target for that ability using special targeting syntax (e.g. /cast @mouseover Commander's Order)
focus [@modifier] [target]Sets your focus to the named player or NPC. If no target is specified, it uses current target.
target [@modifier]<name>Selects the player or NPC.
use [@modifier] <item name>This uses the item named.
wait #Where # is a number of seconds. Causes the macro to wait the specified number of seconds before issuing the next command. Also /macrowait.
stopcastingCauses the macro to stop the current action. A necessary intermediate step between chained macro commands.
use <item name>This uses the item named.
equip <item name>This equips the item named.
bindmacrofile <key> <filename>Bind a macro saved as a text file in the same directory as rift.exe to a key.
%oReturns the objective gender-specific pronoun for the target (Him, Her, It).
%pReturns the possessive gender-specific pronoun for the target (His, Her, Its).
%sReturns the subjective gender-specific pronoun for the target (He, She, It).
%tReturns the name of your current target.
@self <spell name>Cast a spell on yourself.
@focus <spell name>Cast a spell the focused target.
@focustarget <spell name>Cast a spell at a target of a focused target.
@lasttarget <spell name>Cast a spell on the last target before your current target.
@targettarget <spell name>Cast a spell on your target's target.
@pet <spell name>Cast a spell on your primary pet.
@mark # <spell name>Cast a spell on the creature or player marked with # (only usable in group/raid).
@gtae <spell name>Cast an AOE spell at the location of the target. (gtae stands for ground target area of effect - I think)
#show "ability"Causes the macro to inherit the icon and ability icon of the skill.

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